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Community Legacy

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Ouch, is that a splinter!


Those were the words shouted frequently during the renovation of Knox St. Studios. Built in 1948, the building originally housed the community grocery store, later the corner store, Walltown Ministries, and Step Up Durham (a job readiness non-profit) prior to our acquisition. The common thread over the past 71 years is that this address has always been accessible to the community, and we will continue that legacy! 


Knox St. Studios is located in the Walltown community of Durham. This community is named after our founder (Talib's) great-great-great grandfather George Wall. George moved his family to Durham when Trinity College (now Duke University) moved here, he served as the janitor. George was a pillar of the community so much so that the neighborhood became is namesake. Read more on Frank Wall here (George Frank Wall son).




Walltown, Durham USA


3 Month Renovation

Winter 2018

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